Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lots of snow, but started biking!

Hey! Im still swimming mostly and with the awful weather I skipped my Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts this week. But Im borrowing a trainer from Seth so ive gotten to jump back on the bike this weekend! Here goes the breakdown:



500: 8.34
300: 100 free, 100 breast, 100 back
300: 6 50s alternating free and back
300: 200 free, 100IM

The IM felt pretty awesome, and the butterfly especially since I do it once in a blue moon.


Worked out

legs and arm work out
road the stationary bike for 45 min watched the Big Air competition for a bit and the Aussie Open finals. Started with an interval workout and finished with a rolling workout alternating difficulty levels, felt good to sweat again finally.



500: 8.31
300: 6 50s alternating free and back
300: 100 free, 100 breast, 100 back
200: 200 free



500: 8.32
300m: 4:75s, back, breast, free, bastardized im
500: 8.34

Big break after a couple of ice/snow days, but I totally felt "on" today.



500: 8.30
300: 4:75s, back, breast, free, bastardized im
300: 6 50s alternating free and back
300: free 4min

felt a lot more sluggish than yesterday. but still good to be back in the water after two days off.


Bike trainer workout. First time on a trainer, on loan from Seth. It's a magnetic trainer. Kind of noisy, but it felt great to be riding. Rode for about 45 minutes and my legs were feeling it.


About to head downstairs and bike again...stay posted.