Friday, July 16, 2010

My other car is a BICYCLE!!

Eventful walk with zoey this morning.

She's pulling as usual, after some luscious distant scent. I'm busy reeling her in and as I'm doing so, this animal appears out of nowhere. Zoey is probably about 4 feet from it at this point. Zoey's standing stock still staring it down, and it's staring back at her. At this point, I'm thinking that it's a cat, then my eyes adjust or it gets a little lighter....and NO, this is not a cat is a friggin' raccoon!! About this time Zoey realizes it too, she's going nuts pulling, growling, panting, hacking. I manage to get away with out any great throw down battle occurring.

Zoey's reward came when we got further down in our morning travel and there was a bunny. At this point it was almost 5am, no one's around, so I decided to make her morning. Zoey was primed and ready for a chase. I unlatched her leash, and she was off! zooming across the peoples yard, to no avail of course, but she was having a blast.

When we came walking back for our loop, I opted to walk on the road, to give Rocky a wide berth in case he was still there, and sho-nuff there he was, frozen in the light of my flashlight, we snuck by with more: pulling, growling, panting, and hacking.

This is not the first time that i've seen this raccoon, so I shouldn't have been that shocked, but this is definitely the closest Zoey or I have ever been to one. The first time I saw him he was lying underneath someones gate into their driveway--dead center just lying there. Zoey freaking out then too, but it was quite far away (the other side of the road) That time I stood there shocked. I'm in the city!! and there is a raccoon lying in someone's driveway!!

Road into work today.

9.25 there
9.25 home

Pretty uneventful ride to work and home.

I felt like I was moving at a pretty good clip on the way home. I hit 21.5 and 18 mph for awhile. The only thing that's a real bummer on the monon is that there are so many cross streets that it's really difficult to stay in a good rhythm for very long.

Bike and run in the morning and then road trip with mom to go get my Biscuit!!

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